Kenya Indebted $750 Million More by IMF ...

Imperialism's recolonization of Africa :
IMF & World Bank are weapons of war

IMF & World Bank are weapons of war , by John Pilger - YouTube

The roots of the debt go back to the beginning of colonialism. Those who lent us the money were those who colonized us. They were the same people who ran our states and our economies. It was the colonizers who put Africa into debt to the financiers—their brothers and cousins. This debt has nothing to do with us. That’s why we cannot pay it.

The debt is another form of neocolonialism, one in which the colonialists have transformed themselves into technical assistants. Actually, it would be more accurate to say technical assassins.

By THOMAS SANKARA - http://marxistupdate.blogspot.com/2011/10/imperialisms-recolonization-of-africa.html

Kenya indebted $750 million more by IMF - http://allafrica.com/stories/201111010084.html

Thomas Sankara speech, "The Unified Front Against Debt", to the African Unity Organisation Summit in Addis Abeba, 29th July 1987. Sankara was assassinated soon afterwards.


Nonviolent Communication (NVC) - Marshall Rosenberg

What is 'the good life'?

Marshall Rosenberg talks about Teilhard de Chardin's theories of human evolution which sought to return to a more natural way - one where no-one advances at the expense of another. He speaks of his own experiences working with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and how enriching the lives of others is the most rewarding work mankind can engage in.

What are the real roots of violence? (Part 1)

What are the real roots of violence? (Part 2)